Data: Sábado, 3 de Janeiro de 1998 14:03
Para: albmesq
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Li sua página sobre a equação do elétron... Você é
louco, picareta ou o quê?
Reescreve as equacoes do eletromagnetismo e fala um monte de loucura
(besteira) como "...trajetórias não clássicas e não-inerciais
previsíveis sem nenhuma ajuda de uma lógica quântica..." e "...um
elétron em repouso gerar um campo de efeitos magnéticos... não há
experimentos para contradizer este resultado teórico...", você já
estudou física? Já viu o que implica em um elétron parado? Ora, o que
que há, meu irmão, dá um tempo... Que Centro de Pesquisa da Universidade
Sao Judas Tadeu é este? E que revista é esta?
Se a tua teoria é tão boa, escreve para o PRL, Science e Nature pra ver
no que que dá.
See ya'
* * * * *

De: Werner Hofer
Data: Domingo, 4 de Janeiro de 1998 12:08
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Happy New Year!
Great to hear from you, I shall have a thorough look at the equation.
Till then,
Werner Hofer (MSc)
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
Technische Universitaet Wien
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10
A - 1040 Vienna
NET: http://www.ssci.liv.ac.uk/~whofer/
* * * * *

De: Gene L. Goodman
Data: Domingo, 4 de Janeiro de 1998 15:08
Para: albmesq@uol.com.br
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Hello Alberto:
I did check "The electron equation" at the site you supplied. I am very
impressed with what I did read but I didn't get very far yet.
Keep up the good work.
Gene L. Goodman
* * * * *

De: Henry C. Warren Jr.
Data: Quarta-feira, 7 de Janeiro de 1998 14:27
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Got your message and am adding your url to my "Favorites" list.
* * * * *

De: Vicente Jose Ramos Orenga
Data: Quinta-feira, 8 de Janeiro de 1998 18:26
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Hi, Alberto.
Thanks for the info. Is very interesting. I'm sure Maxwell had the
correct equations...
Maybe we need to flashback often to have the correct answers.
Hola, Alberto.
Gracias por la información. Estoy seguro de que Maxwell estaba en el
camino correcto...
Quizás deberiamos tener en cuenta los trabajos de los primeros pioneros
para comprender mejor lo que desconocemos.
Un saludo.
Vicente Jose Ramos Orenga
Home Page:
Burriana (Castellon) SPAIN
* * * * *

De: Phil Gibbs
Data: Sexta-feira, 9 de Janeiro de 1998 15:50
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: The electron equation and electromagnetism - theory
I have a link to your site at
Happy New Year to you too!
Phil Gibbs
"The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgement."
* * * * *

De: Trevor Marshall
Data: Terça-feira, 13 de Janeiro de 1998 10:51
Para: albmesq@uol.com.br
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
I have copied your home page about The Electron
Can you tell me how to see the article? I can read Portuguese.
Trevor Marshall
* * * * *

De: Jesús Filiberto Sabori Parra
Data: Terça-feira, 13 de Janeiro de 1998 21:51
Para: mesquita@mandic.com.br
Assunto: Answer Electron Equation
Thank you for the e-mail sent January 10,1998.
I have consulted the material and I would like to analyze it of a more
complete manner.
Thank you again and happy 1998.
Jesus F. Sabori.
* * * * *

De: James E. Tracy
Data: Quinta-feira, 22 de Janeiro de 1998 18:19
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Thanks for your site suggestion. I only scanned it, but I'll see
that my theory division has a look at it.
James E. Tracy
* * * * *

De: Tamaki Harano
Data: Quinta-feira, 22 de Janeiro de 1998 21:41
Para: albmesq
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Dear Alberto Mesquita Filho
I want to printout all of your thesis. So do you have postscript file of
your thesis?
I have much interested in your thesis.
Now I am very busy because I must write my thesis.When I will finish to
write my thesis, I will read your thesis.
best regards,
* * * * *

De: Erik Margan
Data: Sexta-feira, 23 de Janeiro de 1998 05:42
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Dear Alberto !
Congratulations for the wonderfull work ! Thank you !
I am planing to discuss it with my collegues and students and may be we
will have some comments and questions !
Best regards,
* * * * *

De: Maciej Janowicz
Data: Sexta-feira, 23 de Janeiro de 1998 10:13
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Dear Dr. Alberto,
My memory gets worse and worse when I become older. Please don't be
angry if I ask you where we know ourselves from ?
Have you ever worked in Instituto de Fisica, UFRJ? Have we ever met in
Ilha do Fundao, or more generally, in Rio?
Please do forgive me these questions...
Now, thank you very much for your kind message. Surely I shall
visit the homepage you have written on. Taking into account the
contents, your theory is to be of great interest. Please let me
know if you have got any reprints and/or preprints of your works on the
I have got a tenure-track position in Warsaw, capital of Poland.
Again, thank you very much for your e-mail.
With very best wishes
Maciej Janowicz
* * * * *

De: Marian Apostol
Data: Domingo, 8 de Fevereiro de 1998 12:30
Para: albmesq
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Dear Professor Mesquita Filho,
Thank you for Integracao, I received it and read your article. It looks
very different from what we know, and I would wonder what reasons you
have to say that the electron would be a vectorial quantity? Does your
alternative to Coulomb's law satisfy the Maxwell eqs? This is not clear
for me.
Thanking you again, sincerely,
Marian Apostol
* * * * *

De: Dave Bergman
Data: Segunda-feira, 9 de Fevereiro de 1998 23:28
Para: Alberto Mesquita Filho
Assunto: Re: Electron equation
Dear Alberto,
I have received the journal with your English language article on the
electrodynamics and the electron equation. I have not yet finished
my review of this serious work, but I can see that you have addressed
important issues in general terms. The general approach you have
taken also makes it harder for me to comprehend your theory, but I am
continuing to study your work as I have time. Thank you for
sending it to me.
I have my own approach to a theory of matter. My conclusions about
electrodynamics are not yet complete, though I have already addressed
many important issues of electrodynamics in some of my papers,
especially the paper "Forces on Moving Objects". Also, my paper
"Physical Models of Matter" stresses the need for an electron of finite
size in order to exchange energy and have physical
properties---equations alone are insufficient for physics.
Six of my papers may be downloaded from the internet at no charge.
They are being enthusiastically received by my science friends around
the world.
I recommend you study these papers found in the "More
Information" section of my Web Site:
David Bergman
Common Sense Science
* * * * *

De: Carlos Correa
Data: Terça-feira, 10 de Fevereiro de 1998 22:33
Para: albmesq
Assunto: Emission Theory